Several hurdles were impeding the emergence ofa liquid wholesale gas market in Romania.
The solution proposed by the Government (imposinga price cap on the wholesale gas market) was unfortunately not adapted andwould have generated harmful impacts on the security of supply and long-term gas affordability for end users.
Emerton has been appointed by FPPG (FederațiaPatronală Petrol și Gaze - Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation) in order to propose a new gas market design and build the associated roadmap to implement it.
Strong recognition by energy ecosystem thatEmerton’s report was a relevant working basis to build and design a safe, reliable and affordable gas market.
Emerton report has largely inspired the reforms implemented: strong reduction of the perimeter of the price cap which was initially envisaged by the government and implementation of a Gas Release Program (GRP)
- Several interviews with the gas ecosystem in Romania: producers, retailers, TSO, storage operators, regulator, energy ministry…
- Detailed analysis of the gas value chain based on Emerton expertise and market interviews
- Identification of the main hurdles impeding the development of a liquid gas market
- Clarification of the causal links between the identified hurdles
- Quantification of their impacts on the gas value chain
- Proposal and prioritization of a set of adaptations
- Construction of an implementable roadmap
- Analysis of the economic impacts of the proposed roadmap on end users, energy players and the State budget
- Publication of final report
- Presentation of the report to the press, interviews, conference, strong media exposure