Global competition, uncertainty, the rising speed of change, disruptive trends and new challengers, all reinforce the business leaders’ need for speed in decrypting changes, adapting the business and operational strategy, making the case for decisions and adjusting their plan.
Emerton support brings momentum in adapting and activating the strategy, and in accelerating developments.
Emerton assists business leaders with fact-based decision-driven analytics to:
Emerton also brings support to CEO and senior executives in co-designing, formalizing and adapting the plan to activate the strategy, and translate it into directly implementable actions.
Emerton is instrumental in the design and activation of strategy, but also in the realization and implementation of the strategy to reach business plan objectives ahead of schedule through fast-paced execution.
Emerton works with CEOs, Business Units managers and their teams to co-design, formalize or adapt their strategic plans. Emerton helps design strategic plans which formalize the vision and objectives, and specify the development path and resources to deliver them.
Emerton has a distinctive track record in assisting CEOs of midsize companies in formalizing their vision into a strategic plan. Emerton has also extensive experience in formulating the Group strategic plan of large global corporations together with top management and his strategy unit.
Many CEOs and managers connected with us to support their business acceleration or to bring their business to full potential. Emerton has a distinctive experience in co-designing business acceleration plans, in which we help identify business acceleration levers and establish a plan to deliver and reach the objectives.
Full potential plans frequently go beyond the identification of the full potential for the core business and include adjacencies and operational performance improvement.
Business leaders are frequently exploring beyond their core business, edge and adjacent businesses opportunities.