Potential of biofuels to decarbonize road and air transportation
Key levers to accelerate the development of biofuels in France
Context & Objectives

An oil infrastructure operator asked  Emerton to assess the potential of development of biofuels to decarbonize  road transportation and aviation in France in order to help it define its  strategy.


Design a development strategy for  the client which is consistent with the Net Zero Carbon Emission objective.

Formulation of clear messages to be  addressed to the public authorities regarding the way oil infrastructures  could accelerate decarbonization.



Our approach

Step 1: Analysis of the role of biofuels in the 2050decarbonization targets

-  Collection of data regardingdecarbonization of road transportation and aviation (sources: ADEME, French PPE“Programmations pluriannuelles de l'énergie”…)

- Analysis of the potential of the alternativesto liquid biofuels (hydrogen, biogas, electric)


Step 2: Explanation of the regulatory and economicconditions to develop biofuels

- Analysis of the current biofuelproduction capacity (1st and 2nd generation) in France

- Assessment of the economiccompetitiveness of biofuels

- Assessment of the regulatoryframework and the incentives


Step 3: Definition of the key messages and the requeststo be brought to the public authorities

-  Identification of the key levers toaccelerate the development of biofuels in France

-  Formulation of clear and legitimatemessages and requests to be submitted to public authorities regarding the roleof biofuels

Our experts
François Sfarti
Sébastien Zimmer
Managing Partner